New Calendar for 2018 – for sale at CBJ Museum

I have put together a new calendar for 2018, it is for sale for $20 at the Juneau City Museum Giftstore. It is 8.5 x 11 with a metal spiral binding with a hole printed on card stock, so its a reasonable sturdy calendar with a big month page to write your important stuff in!

It includes some new paintings, as well as some favorites from previous years. I have some of my favorite artist’s birthdays notes, as well as significant dates such as Alaska holidays and Juneau events.

I have used Tlingit words where appropriate, as well as the lunar calendar month names used in Kake (each place may have it’s own names for a month). The Tlingit orthography (characters used to correctly spell a language) is not correct in this post, I was not able to find the correct typography to use, I will try and edit this, as there are several characters in Tlingit that are not in the standard font, but are essential to correctly write the words.

This past year I have been fascinated by portrait painting, and have spent more painting time on that subject than landscapes, although landscapes are still a favorite subject.

I plan to share some of my favorite portrait studies in a later post, so check back if you are interested, I will also add a gallery to my website.

Modifying my website is somewhat challenging, especially when I don’t do it very often, so I hope to get better at updating the website, so that its easier and hopefully encourage people to come back often.

Here are the calendar pages:

Cover Image and December: Devil’s Club Berries
Devils Club Berries 20 x 16 2017







January: Ninth Street Winter Sun

Ninth Street Winter Sun 8 x 10
February: Dike Trail in Winter
Dike Trail in Winter
March: Spring Chores
Spring Harbor Chores, 16 x 20 , $350
April: Safe Harbor, Deilix Sati
Amalga Tryptic 300






May: Red Lifeboat

Red Lifeboat acrylic 24w 36h 2015

June: Wolf Dancer at Celebration, Wolf – Gooch

Wolf Dancer II 300

July: The Green Lantern

Green Lantern 300 dpi

August: Devil’s Club – S’axt’

Devils Club in Sun from Below 16 x 20 2017


September: Bove Island, Yukon X’aati’i (Seagull Island)

Bove Island @ 300dpi

October: Forest Stream, Aasgutu Heen


November: Lemon Creek Wetlands, Switzer Creek – Eixgul’heen

December: Devil’s Club Berries


About Barbara Craver

Visual artist in Juneau, Alaska. Landscapes and Figures in oils, acrylics, and pastel.

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