Gallery Walk at the Franklin Street Gallery, December 7, 2012

The Franklin Street Gallery will be showing some of my work this December. We will have the usual First Friday reception on December 7th starting at 4:30.

I have a couple of larger paintings, (16 x 20), some medium sized paintings (5 x 7 in a linen liner and frame), and lots of little 4×4 canvases with their own easels for display on a desk, mantel, or to be hung on the wall without the easel.

These small ones will even fit in a stocking! (I’m just saying . . .)

Chilkat Sunset, 4 x4, acrylic on canvas with very cute easel

Harris St. Classic, 4×4, acrylic on canvas with fabulous display easel

Dog Gone, 4×4, acrylic on canvas with adorable display easel
Muskeg Trees, 7 x 6, acrylic on panel, framed with a linen liner and black frame


Costco Kwan, 20″ x 16″, acrylic on canvas


P.S. I managed to do EVERYTHING for this post on my iPad! Using the iPad camera, PSExpress, and Blogsy. It took a while, but I was determined to figure it out! Hey, painting is a daily exercise in frustration with occasional (not often enough some days) moments of accomplishment.


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