Trip to Anchorage to Creative Capital Workshop

Tomorrow morning I leave at the crack of dawn – or as close to the crack of dawn as I care to get – to fly to Anchorage with Constance. We are attending a workshop sponsored by the Alaska State Council on the Arts, and run by Creative Capital, a national group who helps artists develop their careers. I am eager to hear some ideas on how to maintain and develop my art, to continue to paint and to find new markets.

We are having a run of fabulous weather in Juneau, it was positively HOT today (for us anyway) it must have hit the mid 50s!!! (F). Constance and I are revving up to get out with our art strollers to get started on lots of plein air landscapes. I already have my Tram pass.

More soon, I promise!!!

About Barbara Craver

Visual artist in Juneau, Alaska. Landscapes and Figures in oils, acrylics, and pastel.

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